
NC1034 meeting, Anaheim, CA, July 2022,
USDA Economic Research Service Seminar, Washington, DC, July 2021
USDA Economic Research Service Seminar, Washington, DC, August 2020
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Atlanta, GA, July 2019
USDA Economic Research Service Seminar, Washington, DC, March 2019
Economics of Agriculture, Trade, and Development Workshop, Raleigh, NC, December 2018
Genetic Engineering and Society Center, Raleigh, NC, October 2018 [Video Link]
North Carolina State University Graduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC, March 2018 (Poster)
North Carolina State University Microeconomics Seminar Series, Raleigh, NC, April 2017
Public Choice Society, Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 2016
"Intellectual Property Portfolios and Energy Policy Outcomes: U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards" (under review)
"Reactor Accidents and Nuclear Power Innovation: An Event Study Using Patent Indicators"
"Contractual Environment and Regime Survival" (With Jens Rudbeck)
Kelly Nelson and Keith Fuglie, "Investment in U.S. Public Agricultural Research and Development Has Fallen by a Third Over Past Two Decades, Lags Major Trade Competitors" Amber Waves, [June 2022] [Link]
Kelly Nelson, Lee C. Parton, Zachary S. Brown"Biofuels Policy and Innovation Spillovers: Evidence from Patent Indicators" Energy Policy 162 [March 2022]
Jens Rudbeck, Erika Mukherjee, and Kelly Nelson. "When Autocratic Regimes Are Cheap and Play Dirty: The Transaction Costs of Repression in South Africa, Kenya, and Egypt." Comparative Politics 48.2 (2016)
Kelly Nelson. "Agency, Perception, and the Economics of Internal Wars." International Journal of Development and Conflict 2.1(2012)

Working Papers

Research and Laboratory Experience
Research Agricultural Economist, USDA Economic Research Service
Resource and Rural Economy Division
Structure, Technology and Productivity Branch
Economist, USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
Transportation Services Division
Research Assistant, Economics, City College of New York
Supervisor: Matthew Nagler, Professor
Research Assistant, History, New York University
Supervisor: David Levering Lewis, Julius Silver Professor
Laboratory Technician, Clarke
Supervisor: Andrew Lima, Regional Biologist